Trauma Treatment.
Prolonged Exposure Therapy is a particular cognitive behavioral therapy developed by Dr. Edna Foa to treat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and has been adapted by Dr. Melanie Harned to treat persons experiencing both PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder. Prolonged Exposure emphasizes the role of avoidance and problematic beliefs in maintaining PTSD symptoms. Thus, the treatment guides the client in facing things associated with the trauma that they have tended to avoid in order to test out and correct problematic beliefs about oneself and the world that were formed because of the trauma. Individuals with PTSD frequently avoid thoughts and memories about the trauma, as well as situations or objects that have reminded them of the trauma. Imaginal exposure is used to face the thoughts and memories, while in-vivo exposures are designed to face actual situations or objects that have been avoided, when doing so is in keeping with their life goals.
To explore working together to address the impact of trauma in your life, you may submit your request here.